Flooding Susie’s Inbox

May 28, 2010

This is getting out of hand.

Filed under: Ridiculous — Tags: , , — sashyjane @ 10:14 am

This is about the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Robert Pattinson’s handwriting is now a font. Unbelievable.

My favorite fan quote on the subject is this one:

The sample font at Twilight Poison doesn’t look much like Rob’s handwriting, esp his signature. It has much more flow to it. Click here for an example:
http://img186.imageshack.us/i/robkv5eb1.jpg/ I’ve also seen him signing posters for fans on youtube vids. His writing has an easy flow to it. It’s creative & beautiful – just as he is.

RIDICULOUS! However, if they ever get around to making a Kevin Richardson font, somebody call me immediately. That is a completely different story.

Some{thing} Change is Afoot at the Circle K*

Filed under: Family, Houses — sashyjane @ 10:06 am

*Bonus points if you can name that altered movie reference.

This weekend finds me with some unexpected circumstances.  I am packing up my beloved little townhouse, putting my things in storage and {dunt dun dun!} moving in with Mama and Daddy.  This living situation will be for just a few months until I get some exciting plans {more on that at another time} ironed out. I think my stay with them while my broken heel healed was probably the Lord preparing me for this season.

As I’m packing and condensing so that everything will fit into my high school bedroom and a 10×20 storage room, I’m finding a ton of junk that needs purging. It’s quite cathartic. It’s just too bad none of it is worth much or I could have a tidy little yard sale.

  Have any of you returned home after 4 or more years of independence? How did you deal? What things worked {or didn’t}? Any advice is greatly welcomed. 

In other news, I’m joing the ranks of a billion other women and going to see SATC 2 tonight! I’m sure Cosmo consumption will be at an all-time high across the nation this weekend. I’m beyond excited to see Aiden again!! AH!!

Anybody seen it yet? Was it 100% fluffy fun? Better, worse, about the same than the first?

May 24, 2010

A New Broom Always Sweeps Clean

Filed under: Twitter — sashyjane @ 4:27 pm

Dear blog readers (all 11 of you),

I’m not avoiding you, I’m just away playing on Twitter and pretending that I’m friends with all the famous folks I follow. Please forgive me. The novelty will wear off soon and I’ll be back. In the meantime, enjoy some of my favorite things:

1. Some hilarious internet tv.

2. Some adorable puppies & kitties.

3. Some “whimsicle junk.”*


* Actual word omitted because I’m a lady and I don’t talk that way. :)

May 20, 2010

Tweet Tweet

Filed under: About Me, Twitter — Tags: — sashyjane @ 9:09 am

I am now part of the cool club. I officially joined Twitter yesterday.  So far I’m following Susie, Jules and tons of hilarious famous people. Let me know if you’re part of the cool club too and I’ll follow you.

I”m still trying to figure out all the #@$%&*^ (symbols) and slang and what the heck trending is but so far, I really like it! Now I just need to come up with hilarious things to say and I need to get Conan to follow me.

May 17, 2010

Needing a Nap

Filed under: Doggies! — sashyjane @ 4:54 pm

I’m feeling quite uninspired and unbloggy.  And I sure am sleepy this afternoon. I wonder if it has anything to do with my visiting bedmates? These two sleeping beauties (who are both notorious cover and bed hogs) have spent the last two nights with me and will be here one more night. 

I do so enjoy them visiting but I sure wish one of them (who shall remain nameless) didn’t make the house smell like a stinky dog. I did learn my lesson this go-round and changed my sheets to an older set and put away my white coverlet.

May 14, 2010

In which I reach a new low point

Filed under: About Me, Ridiculous — sashyjane @ 2:20 pm

I don’t like salespeople. They’re perfectly fine when they’re manning the cash register or straightening the towel displays. But when they call my office, follow me around a store or worst of all, stop by my cubby to “see if I need anything,” I practically break out into hives.  I feel an irrational need to get rid of these people and not hurt their feelings at the same time.

On the phone, I can usually skirt the issue, “I just haven’t had a chance to talk to my supervisor yet, I should get some time later with him next week regarding your product/service. I’ll give you a call* and let you know what he has to say.”  But when they stop by the office, they can see the lies written plainly on my face.  Why can’t I just tell them that we don’t need any promotional pens?

Let me describe my office to you. I am the only person in the office without an actual office and a door. My cubby is situated so that visitors approach me from behind and can block off the only way out. I am at the mercy of all who turn the corner and pin me in. I can’t escape without being seen, I can’t shut my door and if I pretend to be on the phone, the person waiting for me simply pulls up a chair and waits.

 Today, one of the other ladies in the office received her order of carbon copy forms from a local printer who is notorious for getting his feelings hurt and taking it personally when you don’t order from him.  He also loves to chat at great length about his personal life.  Just yesterday, I received a shipment from a larger printer in town and had 8 giant boxes of shiny, new brochures on display in my cubby’s entrance. I was trapped. If Mr. Talksalot looked through my plexiglass window, he’d see me and my 8 boxes and he’d be sure to turn the corner and interrogate me. So I did what any other rational, 25-year-old professional would do: I hid behind the filing cabinet until I heard him leave.

My hiding place

With my back to the filing cabinet and knees to my chest, I waited like Anne Frank until I heard him wrap up his story about his mother’s gout and finally leave.  The entire time I was under there, (my best guess is 4 hours although it was realistically more like 4 minutes) I kept thinking, “This is ridiculous! What if somebody comes back here to leave a note on your desk and sees you?! You are too old to be behaving this way! What is the matter with you?”

When I heard the front door of the office finally click shut, I crawled out of my hiding place, shoes in hand, and took my seat in front of my computer once more. Unbelievable. Surely other rational, 25-year-0ld professionals don’t hide under their desks. Maybe one day I’ll grow up.

*That’s a phone call I never make.

May 13, 2010

Mending Fences

Filed under: Friends, Houses — sashyjane @ 10:34 am

Rashida Jones and I have a complicated relationship. It all started when she dated my boyfriend, John Krasinski (both on and off screen) but he’s marrying Emily Blunt soon so neither one of us won that battle.  Anywho, Rashida and I have had a tense relationship ever since. Now that she’s a bit more likeable as Ann on Parks & Recreation, wears really cute outfits and I’ve seen her adorable New York studio apartment and her chic LA home in so many magazines and on so many blogs lately, I’m starting to kind of like her. I think we may even become (gasp!) friends.

Below photos of her NY Studio Apartment from Domino via Mimi & Meg.

Below pictures of her LA Home from Glamour via So Haute! and the Rashida Jones tribute blog.

**Confidential to JK: If you get sick of eating bread pudding and steak & kidney pie and talking about how bloody awesome things are and want some good ol’ American food and conversation, all is forgiven and I’ll take you back.**

May 11, 2010

Somebody Needs These Things

Filed under: Entertaining — Tags: , , — sashyjane @ 12:05 pm

I’m on a spending hiatus currently but while cruising some of my favorite clearance pages, I found some things that are too good to pass up.  So, I’m going to live vicariously through all of you.

Sweets Water Bottle – $14.99

This would be perfect on the nightstand in your guest room accompanied by Green Glass Company Tumblers – $24.99 for set of 4.

And for your table, the SurEvolution Gilded Napkin Rings – $14.99 for 6 and SurEvolution Twig Serving Set – $14.99 are absolute steals.

The SurEvolution Flower Bowl – $39.99 would make a great coffee table accent or a convenient place to drop mail, keys or your phone in the front hall.

If you want to get a jump on my birthday present For the organized writer, this would be a great time to buy a Set of 12 Boxed Monthly Notebooks – $49.99. 

 Father’s day is only about a month away! Your daddy could probably use this Colby Leather Shoe Shine Kit – $14.99.

Who cares that it’s already half-way through May? You could still buy this Vintage Easel Desk Calendar – $5.99. The vintage prints are too pretty to pass up and you could always repurpose them.

This Moss Wreath – $19.99 is just pleading to be jazzed up in countless ways. You could literally use it year-round by swapping out a few embellishments or ribbons.

These Organic Hemstitch Pillow Cases – $9.99 would make a darling shower or wedding gift if monogrammed.

The Landon Towel Ring – $13.99 is slick and polished and super handy in a powder room.

Cocktail Rings – $29.99 make great additions to a pencil skirt and button down at the office or a silk dress at a wedding.

Tons of fun tops, jackets, jeans and tees marked as low as $5.99

Where have you found deals lately? The best part about snagging a deal is bragging about how little you spent. :)

Pondering Change…

Filed under: Friends — sashyjane @ 9:57 am

I’m considering some big changes in the near future. I’m still thinking, praying, weighing the options, waiting for things to pan out but it got me wondering about change and how it can seem painful and difficult but can be healing and fantastic.  I want to hear more about you all! What changes have you made that seemed hard but turned out to be the best thing for you?

Postcard by Susie.

May 7, 2010

All Grown Up

Filed under: VeryVera — sashyjane @ 12:49 pm

Susie graduates tomorrow! After 5 years of working (and playing) hard, she’ll walk away with her Bachelor’s in Fine Art with an emphasis in Graphic Design!

Here’s an article I wrote about her for VeryVera this quarter:

I just love this time of year; especially in Augusta! The Dogwoods, Azaleas and Japanese Magnolias are all blooming and the whole city is reveling in the hustle and bustle of the Master’s tournament. It’s fun to sort of band together as a city to welcome people from all over the world.

Spring is especially exciting this year because my little sister, Susie, is graduating from college! This May will greet her with a BFA in Graphic Design from Georgia Southern University. I was just sharing with her how exciting it is as an older sister to see all the opportunities laid out before her. She could literally go anywhere in the world! That freedom is exciting for me but a bit daunting for her.

Almost everybody uses graphic designers. This webpage you’re viewing was created by a very talented team of designers. Each package you purchase at the grocery store was designed by graphic designers, each billboard you see, each logo you run across, they were all created by talented and artistic people.

Susie’s talent is undeniable (there’s no way I’m biased.) She took home three ADDY awards this semester, one for each piece she entered. I have no doubt that she’ll be snapped up by fun graphic design firm in no time. Her portfolio speaks for itself but once a potential employer gets a glimpse of her hilarious sense of humor and great style, I’m sure the job offers will come pouring in (like I said above, there’s no way I’m biased.) Check out some of her graphic design as well as some of her fine art here.

Susie and I have always had a very close relationship. Of course we fought as kids and teenagers and we still have the occassional squabble but I wholeheartedly consider her my best friend and to say I’m proud of her is a huge understatement. Congratulations, Cubby!!

Congratulations, Susie! Now, get to work designing a blog header for me. :)

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