Flooding Susie’s Inbox

July 7, 2010

You poor blog!

Filed under: About Me, Travel, Twitter, VeryVera — sashyjane @ 4:29 pm

I have really been neglecting the blog lately! I just can’t seem to get my act together to write anything of worth. Poor thing is probably starving to death!

If you’re just absolutely craving more of me (and who isn’t? haha) please follow me on Twitter. I’m much more attentive there. If I knew how to put a Twitter button the side of my blog, I’d do it but I am not that tech savvy so here’s a link: http://twitter.com/sashyjane

In the meantime, I’ll leave you with one of my latest VeryVera articles.

Ever since I can remember, all I wanted to be when I grew up was a wife and mother. I assumed I’d be married right out of college and cranking out a baby every other year or so after that. Imagine my horror when I graduated from college without so much as a prospective husband and realized I’d have to provide for myself! I couldn’t see any advantages to being single. It seemed like a punishment rather than an opportunity. However, 4+ years out of college, my perspective is a little clearer. I’m no closer to marriage than I was at graduation but I’m actually happy with my life! My 21 year-old self would be horrified.

It’s taken me a while to get comfortable with the word single. I always assumed it had a negative stigma and connotation, as if there was something wrong with me. I didn’t want to be alone – I needed a roommate, I needed a best friend, I needed my sister to accompany me to events. I’d never think of attending a wedding or eating at a restaurant alone! But not too long ago, I had a bit of an epiphany: being single can be fun!

When you’re single, you can travel on a whim, decorate your house however you’d like and choose when you’d like to socialize and when you’d like to have some time alone. In the past year, I’ve made spur-of-the-moment trips to Trinidad, St. Louis, New York, Nashville, Tampa and I have a few more planned (maybe Chicago or Boston?) in the coming months.

While I’ve learned to be happy in my singledom, that isn’t to say that I don’t long for the company of other people. I’ll invite girlfriends for a dinner party and set the table with the good china, candle sticks, open a bottle of wine and really pull out all the stops. Once a week I’ll eat supper with my widowed grandmother and we’ll watch Dancing with the Stars. I have a great pool of friends, family and loved ones who are just a drive or call away who remind me that singleness doesn’t equal loneliness.

June 2, 2010

Comfy Cozy

Filed under: Doggies!, Tater, Twitter — Tags: , — sashyjane @ 1:33 pm

When I lived in the Aumond Villa apartments my second year in Augusta, there was a mass exodus of roommates who were either getting married or going back to school. In the shuffle, things were left behind and nobody ever claimed them. For some odd reason, I felt it was my responsibility to care for these things and move them to my next apartment. Well no more. While cleaning out the cabinets and closets in preparation to move home, I separated the wheat from the chaff and either gave away or donated the unclaimed belongings.

One such belonging is a fuzzy blankie. It’s white faux fur on one side and baby blue faux suede on the other. I knew just the person who would appreciate such a treasure.

Judging from the looks of things, I’d say she likes it rather well.

Do you all have Twitter? Follow me !

May 24, 2010

A New Broom Always Sweeps Clean

Filed under: Twitter — sashyjane @ 4:27 pm

Dear blog readers (all 11 of you),

I’m not avoiding you, I’m just away playing on Twitter and pretending that I’m friends with all the famous folks I follow. Please forgive me. The novelty will wear off soon and I’ll be back. In the meantime, enjoy some of my favorite things:

1. Some hilarious internet tv.

2. Some adorable puppies & kitties.

3. Some “whimsicle junk.”*


* Actual word omitted because I’m a lady and I don’t talk that way. :)

May 20, 2010

Tweet Tweet

Filed under: About Me, Twitter — Tags: — sashyjane @ 9:09 am

I am now part of the cool club. I officially joined Twitter yesterday.  So far I’m following Susie, Jules and tons of hilarious famous people. Let me know if you’re part of the cool club too and I’ll follow you.

I”m still trying to figure out all the #@$%&*^ (symbols) and slang and what the heck trending is but so far, I really like it! Now I just need to come up with hilarious things to say and I need to get Conan to follow me.

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