Flooding Susie’s Inbox

July 17, 2009

Fun Stuff… I’m not feeling clever enough to come up with a good title.

Filed under: Uncategorized — sashyjane @ 11:23 am

Mama, the elementary school media specialist, just ordered this print on Etsy:

il_430xN.79563414It’s perfect for many reasons. 1. It’s adorable. 2. It’s titled “Miss Librarian” 3. Her school’s mascot is an owl 4. It’s beautifully drawn.  The artist, Bridgette B, is quickly becoming one of my favorite people.  She clearly has tons of talent, she is terribly observant and she has tons of cute stuff on Etsy.

I don’t think I need to tell anybody how addicting Etsy can be.  I can spend hours searching through the kazillions of vintage and handmade treasures and never see it all.

I absolutely love the stuff available at this shop. Especially this bracelet. il_430xN.78861727

Mama and Aunt Kay just spent the last two days antiquing and both brought me tons of gorgeous vintage buttons.  Stay tuned for my own attempts at button jewelry…

As much as I love and appreciate the handmade crafts, prints and projects on Etsy, my favorites are the vintage things for sale.

This print would be heaven in a nursery.


so would this one.


Then there are things like this, a beautiful work of needlepoint that must have taken hours to complete.


And gorgeous table linens that were probably given as a wedding gift.


And beautiful jadeite teacups that were probably collected over many years.


And bedtime stories that lulled many generations to sleep.



I’m fascinated by the potential stories and all the history tied up in these treasures and it makes me want to buy up everything just to preserve the memories they hold!

1 Comment »

  1. Reading your blog makes me wish I was rich so I could buy everything pretty and old and handmade and fancy….all at once…and a house to put it in. Great job finding things to post that make a heartfelt connection with people. Those prints look like something Grandmama would have.

    Comment by Susie Mae — July 21, 2009 @ 4:49 pm

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